Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Spirit & the Body are the Soul of Man

I have spent way too long not respecting the body that God has given me! I have been called to repentance and would love to share some of my thoughts found from different talks and scriptures!
The purpose of the body is to help us learn, progress, serve, & glorify the Giver of the gift: God. Too often, however, people mistakenly presume that the body is intended to glorify the self. Disrespecting our body in any manner—flaunting it, disparaging it, participating in immoral behavior, or neglecting it—constitutes rejecting the gift.

What does your body
Enable you to learn/do?
-self control
-hard work
-develop talents
-create life
-become like God
-have joy
-& Much more
What has your body allowed you to experience? 
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1 Corinthians 6:19

"To become a grateful and wise steward of the body often
requires giving up something worldly to gain something heavenly.
For some, such an offering may include giving up a quest to become model-thin,
while for others, it may include giving up excessive grooming habits
and the wearing of costly or immodest apparel. For still others,
it may include giving up the short-term pleasures of overeating,
the avoidance of proper exercise, or the viewing of others’ bodies
as objects for self-gratification.
With such forsaking of worldly practices come tremendous spiritual gains."

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