Saturday, June 28, 2014

Smooth Sailing

1Crew noun
: A competitive sport “based on propelling a boat (racing shell) on water using oars.”

Sam’s passion is crew.  She describes herself at her first practice as “the worst of the beginners. Through dedication and hard work she has transformed into a skilled rower. Crew teaches me to never give up.” She practices for several hours 6 times a week. She is aiming to compete in college. There are several reasons why she loves crew; it is competitive and challenging. But most of all, it involves teamwork. Another definition states crew as “a group of persons involved in a particular kind of work or working together.” Sam’s teammates spend so much time together during the season they get to know one another exceptionally well. She quotes a common saying crew friends are true friends because they’re your only friends.”

         “Rowing is spiritual for me. One of the coaches told me how in sync we have to be is impossible. Anticipating someone’s actions while they are doing it is almost impossible so you have to be really connected with everyone on your boat.”

Just as success in crew is determined by the unity of the participants, our ability to perceive the promptings of the spirit is determined by our unity with God. We have to be aware of our spiritual awareness and connection to the Holy Ghost. If we aren’t careful, we can be come numb to its promptings. Just as Sam continually works towards unity with her team through practice, we must be seeking the Spirits voice through prayer, scripture study and church attendance. Learning to hear the voice of the Spirit is a lot like learning a new sport. At the beginning we can feel like the worst of the beginners. As a missionary I stress over being able to discern “Is this me? Or is this the spirit?” As we spend each day learning to listen our ability improves. Although it may never be smooth sailing, the journey brings us closer to our Heavenly Father.

“Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work.” –Doctrine & Covenants 10:5

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