Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Yelli's conversion story

Yelli was raised in a Muslim family on the Ivory Coast in Africa. “I didn't start praying until I had a big exam to pass so my stepmother encouraged me to start praying.” She has found strength in developing a relationship with God over the years. Although her family practiced Islam, she had many Christian friends and attended a Catholic Elementary School where she would recite “Virgin Mary Prayer” and “Our Father in Heaven.” Somehow through the mixed religions and differing structure she learned that prayer truly is communication between father and child. “I use to cry and talk to Heavenly Father... God has somehow been the only person who listens to me.  I didn't have anyone to talk to, or who would listen.”

Years after moving to Virginia, Yelli visited the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  “I went to the LDS church in August 2013 by my friend Benedicta who invited me there. I didn't really think about anything when the Sister missionaries proposed to come to my house. I thought it was an opportunity to talk to new people about the trial I was going through at that time.” Shortly after Yelli began learning about the gospel, I was transferred into the ward. It was my first area and the second day on my mission I had the opportunity to teach Yelli about the Plan of Salvation. As we taught she accepted everything she learned as truth.  “Basically I was familiar with all the things they thought me about Christianity except the Book of Mormon, but it was similar so I accepted to read and learn more about the Book of Mormon. At the time I was reading the given chapters, everything felt sooooooo rights and I could see myself in some of the stories of Nephi, or Mosiah, or Helaman and so on.” -

“When Sister Kraemer asked if I would like to get baptized on Sept 14 all these questions started popping up in my head, like how was I going to tell my adoptive parents? Will they even understand my decision?... But I felt happy every time I thought becoming a Christian, a member of the Latter Days church of Jesus Christ! Especially when I read Mosiah 18, I was filled with a sudden joy at verse 11.... “And now when the people had heard these words, they clapped for joy, and exclaimed: this is the desire of our hearts.”  There was so many things going on but the more the date approached the more I wanted to get Baptized!”

I know that God lives and that he loves all of his children. He is aware of our individual circumstances. I learned from Yelli to never turn my back on God. Bad things happen to good people but he is our support and our strength. As we remain faithful to him he will strengthen us to “bear up our burdens with ease (Mosiah 24)” I know that Yelli was prepared to receive the gospel through the things that she experienced. She brings so much to her ward in Virginia because of her optimism and enthusiasm for the gospel. She has a diverse background and can help people that can’t be reached in any other way. The church is true!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The only thing constant in life is change


“God can make more of us than we can ever make of ourselves. We can make a man. He can make a God.”

While attending a Nationals baseball game a few weeks ago I reflected on an identical opportunity I had last fall as a brand new missionary. I took a picture with the same person and the same backdrop—I couldn’t help but wonder: how much have I changed?
The hopeful news for anyone who doesn’t like the person they have become is that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can change. We are never stuck with our poor choices, habits, lifestyles or imperfections.
Elder Donald L Hallstrom of the Presidency of the seventy talked about this ability to change in his recent talk “What Manner of Men.”  He shares a story of counseling with an older man who was struggling in his relationships.  While talking to him, the man exclaimed “Bishop, I have a bad temper, and that’s just the way I am!” Elder Hallstrom goes on to say “That statement stunned me that night and has haunted me ever since. Once this man decided—once any of us conclude—“That’s just the way I am,” we give up our ability to change.”
We often use the excuse “that’s just the way I am” to explain away behavior.
Change takes unbelievable courage—we have to sacrifice our will to the Lords.  It takes humbling ourselves and accepting that we can’t do everything on our own. It is a painful to be refined by the Lord.
Malachi 3:2-3
But who may abide the day of his coming? and who shall stand when he appeareth? for he is like a refiner’s fire, and like fullers’ soap:
3 And he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and he shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.”
Sacrifice: to give up something good for something better.
Find the courage to identify what you need to change and the strength to turn to the Lord for help!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The Spirit & the Body are the Soul of Man

I have spent way too long not respecting the body that God has given me! I have been called to repentance and would love to share some of my thoughts found from different talks and scriptures!
The purpose of the body is to help us learn, progress, serve, & glorify the Giver of the gift: God. Too often, however, people mistakenly presume that the body is intended to glorify the self. Disrespecting our body in any manner—flaunting it, disparaging it, participating in immoral behavior, or neglecting it—constitutes rejecting the gift.

What does your body
Enable you to learn/do?
-self control
-hard work
-develop talents
-create life
-become like God
-have joy
-& Much more
What has your body allowed you to experience? 
19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?
1 Corinthians 6:19

"To become a grateful and wise steward of the body often
requires giving up something worldly to gain something heavenly.
For some, such an offering may include giving up a quest to become model-thin,
while for others, it may include giving up excessive grooming habits
and the wearing of costly or immodest apparel. For still others,
it may include giving up the short-term pleasures of overeating,
the avoidance of proper exercise, or the viewing of others’ bodies
as objects for self-gratification.
With such forsaking of worldly practices come tremendous spiritual gains."

Thursday, July 3, 2014

All Must Go

Stores closing down frequently post the sign "All must go" promising reduced prices on merchandise. Their object is to sell the greatest amount of items in the shortest amount of time. 

When I set a goal I feel like I need to accomplish it right away! For example I want to be a more patient friend. When I set my goal I leave no room for mistakes-- the first time I lose my patience or react I give up! I feel like a complete failure unable to reach my goals.  I've painfully come to realize I cannot and should not expect myself to be perfect. If You set a goal to lose 20 lbs and don't get there after one day of exercising do you throw in the towel? No! That's ridiculous! So is thinking you can be a better daughter/friend/student/quilter/runner/anything you can think of all at once.

Just as the store going out of business runs itself out of products if we don't pace ourselves we will give until we have nothing left. 

We reach our full potential when we catch the vision. This life is a time to become. Heavenly Father doesn't expect the impossible-- He is happy when we do a little bit better and try a little harder every day. We can't set our expectations for ourselves higher than Gods. 

Doctrine & Covenants 64:33 
"Wherefore, be not weary in well-doing, for ye are laying the foundation of a great work. And out of small things proceedeth that which is great."

How do we know what the Lord expects of us? Sister Linda S Reeves in the April 2014 General Conference gives this advice:

“A friend recently cautioned, “When you ask the sisters to read the scriptures and pray more, it stresses them out. They already feel like they have too much to do.”
Brothers and sisters, because I know from my own experiences, and those of my husband, I must testify of the blessings of daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening. These are the very practices that help take away stress, give direction to our lives, and add protection to our homes.”

Put the important things first and the goals we set will be the ones Heavenly Father wants us to accomplish. With His support, we cannot fail! It's all about taking one day at a time.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Smooth Sailing

1Crew noun
: A competitive sport “based on propelling a boat (racing shell) on water using oars.”

Sam’s passion is crew.  She describes herself at her first practice as “the worst of the beginners. Through dedication and hard work she has transformed into a skilled rower. Crew teaches me to never give up.” She practices for several hours 6 times a week. She is aiming to compete in college. There are several reasons why she loves crew; it is competitive and challenging. But most of all, it involves teamwork. Another definition states crew as “a group of persons involved in a particular kind of work or working together.” Sam’s teammates spend so much time together during the season they get to know one another exceptionally well. She quotes a common saying crew friends are true friends because they’re your only friends.”

         “Rowing is spiritual for me. One of the coaches told me how in sync we have to be is impossible. Anticipating someone’s actions while they are doing it is almost impossible so you have to be really connected with everyone on your boat.”

Just as success in crew is determined by the unity of the participants, our ability to perceive the promptings of the spirit is determined by our unity with God. We have to be aware of our spiritual awareness and connection to the Holy Ghost. If we aren’t careful, we can be come numb to its promptings. Just as Sam continually works towards unity with her team through practice, we must be seeking the Spirits voice through prayer, scripture study and church attendance. Learning to hear the voice of the Spirit is a lot like learning a new sport. At the beginning we can feel like the worst of the beginners. As a missionary I stress over being able to discern “Is this me? Or is this the spirit?” As we spend each day learning to listen our ability improves. Although it may never be smooth sailing, the journey brings us closer to our Heavenly Father.

“Pray always, that you may come off conqueror; yea, that you may conquer Satan, and that you may escape the hands of the servants of Satan that do uphold his work.” –Doctrine & Covenants 10:5

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Stand Ye in Holy Places

“Sometimes being strong can be a very lonely thing.”  As latter day saints our beliefs are criticized and critiqued on every hand. We were called to be a “peculiar people” in the Latter-days. The standards we defend and uphold are contrary to the ways of the world.
^ Click link for more detail on the standards we live by

We believe in being
honest, chaste, benevolent, virtuous & in doing good to all men;
indeed we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul---
We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things
&  we hope to be able to endure all things.
If there is anything
virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy,
we seek after these things.

Alex is a graduating senior from Northern Virginia.  She says "the hardest thing about being an lds woman today is all of the criticism I feel like I receive from people just because I'm different. it's hard to know that so many people think that I believe in nonsense and that I'm devoting my life to something that's not real or true when I know that what I'm doing is right."
When we do stand strong in our beliefs we will face opposition. In Acts chapter 5 we learn of the apostles being persecuted for preaching the gospel they say in verses 41-42:
"And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name. And daily in the temple, and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ."

Where did they receive the strength to rejoice in their persecution and continue to press forward in faith? Alex says her strength comes from knowing who she is. "Knowing how much my Heavenly Father loves me gives me enough strength to stand up for what I believe in.  Sometimes when I'm having doubts I just think about the blessings that I will receive when I do what is right; eternal life, being with my family again, and happiness."

I know that what we have is worth fighting for. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father did appear to Joseph Smith. The priesthood authority to preform miracles is active on the earth once again! Temples make sacred ordinances such as the sealing of families possible. We have so much to fight for. Never forget what is truly important; "Let us run with patience the race that is set before us." Hebrews 12:1